
How to Protect Blow-Molded Bottles from Drop-Impact Damage

Design bottles that will stay protected, despite drops and impact

How to Protect Blow-Molded Bottles from Drop-Impact Damage

Blow molded bottles shipped in rigorous transit environments and used in everyday life by consumers must withstand drops and impact.  

To measure drop impact on bottles, an ASTM D2463 assessment is performed. Testers drop a bottle filled with water from four or five feet of height, and assess damage or lack thereof.  

To prevent drop impact failure, packaging producers should consider the following:  

  •  Pursue a higher resin intrinsic viscosity
    •  0.75 is ideal; the higher the number, the better for drop impact
  • Ensure the base of the bottle does not have too much material or become thermally crystallized, as it will cause the bottle to become brittle  
  • Avoid using too much regrind  

For personalized technical support on your packaging application, consult with our dedicated team of Application Development Technical Services (ADTS) engineers. Contact us here.